Why does Poland Hate Russia?
I mean, can they be justified? After all, Russian history is ... wait ... let me check my notes … oh yeah ….
It might have something to do with the way that Russia invaded Poland in 1983, in response to a labour union.
Or the way that Russia invaded Poland twice in the 1970’s. Sending tanks to put down a labour movement sure shows support for the proletariat, eh.
Or the way that Russia and Nazi Germany collaborated to rape and divide Poland in 1939.
Or the way that Russia sat back and laughed as the Germans continued to rape Poland, exterminated its citizens, crushed the Warsaw uprising, while they went on to rape the Baltics and tried to rape Finland.
Or the way that Russia looted Poland down to the bedrock, carrying away even railway ties after 1945.
It might have had something to do with how the Russian Empire treated its Polish citizens up to 1918 and then invaded Poland in 1920. Lenin said he would step over the corpse of Poland and take the revolution to Germany. The Poles had another idea.
Or it might have had something to do with the 18th and 19th century rapes of Poland by Russia, among others.
Maybe it was the mass murder of Polish prisoners of war.
It might have something to do with the epic brutality, corruption and mismanagement by Russia when they ruled Poland, directly or indirectly.
It might have something to do with the corruption, cruelty and incompetence of Russian emissaries and overseers sent to Poland, which gave Poles the idea that all Russians were like that.
Whatever it is, it’s a mystery.
Rather a common mystery, given that Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Moldova, Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Hungary, Afghanistan, Croatia, Albania, Serbia, Turkey, Iran, Georgia, Ukbekistan, Kyrghizstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, North Korea, Japan and especially Ukraine all hate Russia.
It’s weird. It’s as if every state that Russia has ever invaded, dominated or once controlled really hates Russia. I wonder why?
Thanks for reading.