The USA… is over. Done. Cooked.

Paul Fiolkowski
4 min readJul 27, 2021

The US has already ended as a concept. The Republican Party, now bereft of any policy or ideology and in thrall to a deranged fascist bigot and moron, exists now merely to cling to power to deprive the people they hate the most — the rest of America — from drafting any legislation that will cause the taxes of oligarchs to rise. Failing demographically, the party has responded by exploiting flaws in the Constitution that give more power in the Senate and the Electoral College to under-populated rural areas — which coincidentally are the most retrograde and ignorant parts of the country.

Sadly, they embrace and celebrate their ignorance in the process.

To lock in their electoral superiority, and to remove any chance Democrats have of maintaining power, in spite of the majority support of the voters, the GOP is now actively engaging in implementing widespread voter suppression laws, and if those don’t work, taking power away from independent, unbiased election professionals and giving their own legislatures the power to simply void elections that the GOP doesn’t win. They are confident that they can do that because the party has spent the last forty years taking control of the federal judiciary, so any flagrantly unconstitutional legislation can easily survive if brought before ideologically pure judges.

In this endeavor they are supported by their own propaganda outlets, which are clearly intended to influence the uncritical minds of their deluded supporters. Unfortunately, democracies cannot survive if an entire population of voters is completely ignorant of objective reality, and who believes the nonsense peddled to it by the fascist caucus of Carlson, Ingraham and Hannity.

We are seeing the real ramifications of this philosophy today, when the former so-called president, the above referenced deranged fascist bigot and moron, refused to recognize the victory of his political opponent, and indeed claimed that the election was stolen from him. In fear of the wrath of the ever-increasingly violent extremists among their own voters, the GOP is going along with that lie, and even amplifying it.

No democracy can survive that, and ours won’t. I guarantee you, unless the GOP is roundly defeated in the mid term elections in 2022 they will be positioned to insure that no Democrat will be elected to the White House again; indeed, they will also be able to void the elections of members of Congress as well in some states. And that’s exactly what they will do.

They are doing all of this out of fear and arrogance, but it is highly stupid as well. That’s because the Democrats are not going to roll over and allow fascism to prevail in America because of the likes of the vile Mitch McConnell, Josh Hawley, Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz. They are certainly not going to agree to the return of Donald Trump, should he run again in 2024 and get trounced just as bad, only to be declared the victor of the election by the GOP in the House of Representatives.

At that point, the Blue states will just refuse to accept anything that comes out of the federal government. No legislation, no judicial decisions, nothing. And we’ll stop sending them our tax dollars. That’s assuming that no one gets killed in the domestic strife that so many on the right have been having wet dreams about for the last twenty years.

So America as a concept is now basically dead. E pluribus unum is no more, and given how much hatred we have seen coming out of the GOP since George W. Bush was president, it’s just going to get worse. Just wait until Trump gets indicted by the State of New York. Plenty of his supporters are prepared to kill their neighbors, as they made clear on January 6, and quite a few of them will probably do so, to avenge their Dear Leader, regardless of the veracity of the charges against him.

That’s how America dies — murdered by a degenerate party, with no ideas beyond protecting the obscene wealth of their oligarch backers, in the name of a deranged fascist bigot and moron, all celebrated by Fox News. And unbeknown to the majority of their voters, under the guidance and the manipulation of the Kremlin.

That’s the future, unless we demolish the GOP in the mid terms. Vote Blue. Fuck Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, and all their friends.

And fuck you too, Rupert Murdoch.

And of course, Trump is a traitor. Only traitors incite insurrection when they lose an election. If you didn’t know that, now you do.

credit: Michael de Adder, Washington Post , 22 June 2021

And that’s how I feel about that.



Paul Fiolkowski

I am just another American expat, who found that yes indeed, the grass can be greener elsewhere.