Quick update on Ukraine

Paul Fiolkowski
2 min readJul 31, 2023


Kinda give me the warm fuzzies

The Ruzzians are panicking. The Last bridge out of Crimea has been hit! The only remaining “safe” way home to Ruzzia just became disabled in a Storm Shadow strike.

Now the Chongar bridge is out of action, the only safe route to the land bridge and back to Ruzzia has been cut. The next remaining road on the long way around (using village backroads that cant cope with heavy trucks or sustained traffic) passes through Hryhorivka and puts you within about 80–90kms range from Kherson city which is firmly under Ukrainians control. 90kms is about HIMARS range so that way is not sounding too safe. The only other main road capable of handling traffic is the T2202 but it’s already closed as it passes directly through a live fire zone. Oh dear!

Crimea is looking more and more isolated, I think it’s time for the Ruzzian occupiers to book a ferry and leave. Meanwhile they will be desperate to patch that bridge and pretend it’s still structurally sound so we had better keep hitting that bridge till it’s gone. Don’t panic! There’s nothing to see here! All is going according to plan.

Looks like invites to the Crimea beach party will be printed up soon. See you all there. Not sure the Russian shills will be there. But I may invite Dougie Maccgregor, just so we can mock the stupid git.



Paul Fiolkowski

I am just another American expat, who found that yes indeed, the grass can be greener elsewhere.